Friday, September 9, 2011

is Cloud just virtualization and Automation? NO!!

Day and Day out, we see every technology vendor, attempting to position themselves in cloud realm, and struggle to find a niche in this 'cloudy' topic.

I think:
1. Virtualization and Automation are building blocks of Cloud computing platform. They alone will not solve any problems

2. Cloud computing is based on the premise that it is a new model that accommodates new services delivery and consumption model. Now the term 'service' is very elusive, and I think this is what is exploited by every vendor trying to find that 'fit'.

3. Without a vision and a set expectation from 'cloud' all the investment into cloud is pointless and will create more problems rather than solutions. So the goals and vision are very important that will and should drive the investment into cloud strategy and supporting technologies.

4. Chargeback: This is so important that I think without a equitable chargeback model, the cloud initiative will be a failure. And this is because when we address the 'service delivery and consumption' the metering at the consumption end will balance the resources at the delivery end..this balance is probably most important concept! Otherwise... you will have a buffet of services and unhealthy consumers and low quality services!!

So I question myself, when every technology decision maker/investor and consumer makes a choice to embark the journey to achieve 'cloud driven' economies of scale... do they have a strategy? Or we all are consuming the hype, until the next one surfaces and then we will drop cloud and adore the 'rainmaker'!!


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