Sunday, April 15, 2012

.Ice Breaker on Enterprise Mobile Strategy..Industry and Think Tank Jargon

This week I felt compelled to send the following post, as I think like me many of you are getting engaged with your clients in discussing Mobile. I also recognize that there is a lot of confusion, hype around technology landscape. So Below is an attempt to de-construct our starting conversation - ice breaker of sorts. While this is by no means an exhaustive list, I think this is a good starting point, as we continue to add more.

Conversation Starters Around Mobile Strategy - MEAP and how we ft in:

At a broader level guiding principles of mobile Strategy is broken into 4 Components:

1. Access - B2C/B2E etc
2. Application development practice -- porting vs. new development project.
3. What are Mobile device management requirement - App store/device wipe/push fix-notification etc.
4. Security - Application (Work light) vs. Plugging into enterprise security infrastructure (TEM)

Some Questions that drive the solution design process are:
1. What is the overall Enterprise Mobile strategy? --- Is the access for employees ONLY or possibly visitors (e.g. visiting physicians/heath care professionals)? -- Access & Security
2. Type of application Framework? --- New app vs. porting, this includes the new acquisitions and moving all mobile apps to a common framework.
3. Type of application deployment ? --- again includes the new acquisitions and moving all mobile apps to a common deployment framework.

Additional Tactical Considerations:

1.Enterprise application integration (tools and libraries
2.Device integration and peripheral support
3. Application client runtime
4. Device/OS platform support
5. Packaged mobile
6. Hosting
7. Architectural flexibility
(Source: Gartner Research Note G00211688)

Industry Think Tank Jargon:

Industry in General categorizes the Mobile Platform into 2 Broad categories:

1. Mobile enterprise application platforms (MEAPs) and
2. Mobile consumer application platforms (MCAPs).

The MEAP segment serves application developer organizations and independent
software vendors (ISVs) that are writing applications targeting employees or associates, typically on a scale of a few dozen to a few thousand users, whereas the MCAP segment serves application developers who target consumers, usually on a scale of several thousand to millions of users.
With the massive consumerization of IT (driven, to a large degree, by innovations revolving around smartphones) and the widespread enterprise adoption of all types of mobile devices (including tablets), mobile application development has become one of the hottest topics in IT. MEAPs allow enterprise developers to create mobile applications for employees that are suitable to run on smartphones, tablets, notebooks or ruggedized hand-helds. MEAPs typically offer capabilities in user interface (UI) design and build, application integration, debugging, deployment, and application delivery and maintenance.
(Source: Gartner Research Note G00211688)

more in this... soon.
have a great weekend.

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