Saturday, June 1, 2013

Mobile Enterprise Capability Maturity model (CMM) - Pathway to Enterprise Mobile Aspiration!

This past weeks have  been  interesting to  say the least. I  was fortunate to meet many clients in UAE and meet our extended technical sales teams (SCA/SCLs)  from  GMU IMT in UAE. I learned a lot in process – the culture, food and the best of views the region has to offer, above all I learned that the requirements and approach to technology is quite different.  Which was an amazing insight I learned. More on this on a different post, but this week I want to focus on a more fundamental topic  of “Understand and engaging with our clients” in Mobile context, because I think we are working hard but falling short a few steps. Below are  a few thoughts:

Our IBM MobileFirst Offering is probably the most comprehensive approach to Mobile Enterprise in the industry.
            We ought to focus on addressing the Industry use cases ( Healthcare, Insurance, Banking etc) with some consultative approach to devising a solution – a point solution to address the a tangible use case  which IMHO will resonate with our client base. 

In my previous posts I identified a few sample point solutions such as :

1. MEAP (IBM WL) + MDM  (IEM)to Target a Mobile Platform for Internal (B2E) and External (B2C) as a "Mobile Infrastructure" or
2. "Optimized Mobile Middleware" (IBM WL + DP +XC10/WXS)  or
3. "Secure Mobile Platform (IBM WL + Access Manager), or
4. "Mobile Test Framework" ( IBM WL + RTW etc) Or
5. "Mobile Customer Experience Management" (WL + TL) and so on..

Understanding our client’s Mobile Aspirations – This is vital as well, I have seen interesting understanding and wide spectrum of challenges that our clients perceive with Mobility – Ranging from  the ‘external Mobile eco-system’ that they have no control over and ‘internal infrastructure’ which is largely ignored and within full control of the enterprise. –Our Goal –should be to  demystify  this landscape and paint a picture how our products and approach  can address this issues and better manage the Mobile Aspirations or at times these are Mobile Ambitions.
            So this is where we should introduce some thing like a Mobile Enterprise Capability Maturity model (CMM) – the idea of any CMM is to define a path, as path that is easily understood  on the steps and approach needed for them to on board capability  into the enterprise. CMM suggests a structured approach that makes sense  and can be aligned with the overall enterprise technical landscape and overall enterprise maturity model.

For example here is a  Maturity model:

Capability Maturity Model - CMM

CMM 1 - Enterprise  Mobile Platform ( MEAP + MDM) - this addresses B2B/B2E and B2C -- Basically a  starting foundation for  a foundation with Mobile

CMM 2 - Enterprise Mobile Integration -- this include integration to EIS/Security and various other integration with  CMS and other legacy system.

CMM 3 - Mobile Customer Experience management -- this is the analytics piece with coremetric and TL where not only I have  a mobile enterprise but also I want to make it better/the experience and value derived from it.

CMM4  - Enterprise Mobile Transformation - this is where I move my internal workflow to devices, because my security and integration is mature and the feedback loop is consistent from CMM3.

And so on..
I would like to mention here that CMM is  a dynamic approach and not set in stone, I think this approach can be suggested when we are involved at a more strategic level like working with CIO’s office for a  MobileFirst Initiative. Suggesting CMM in a product discussion may diminish it’s value.

Point: Let us discern between the types of discussion  and gauge the depth and breadth of the discussion. 

As always I am interested in your critique and thoghts.

Have a great week ahead!


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