Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Here are a Few of my thoughts: on Role of Telco with Emerging Mobile eco-system

I have realized two things that are vital to understand:

1.    There is an  “External Eco System” that “Enterprise Mobile Application” need to consider – thing’s like Mobile services, Push Notification, application store, social –Mobile Integration and so on.  AND
2.    Every Mobile Initiative needs a “Platform” – that enables integration, and assembly line to create, host and integrate these Mobile Applications with the rest of the enterprise.

Every Enterprise need to understand and adapt Both -- Platform( to efficiently develop, integrate, manage and deploy) and Eco-system ( to adapt, play and be relevant).

Telco -- In mobile space have a special role. I draw an analogy of  the  shippers like UPS and FedEx who have transformed from a shipping business to a value chain business where they are now in business of computer repairs and logistics management ( order fulfillment and returns etc). I view Telco who are essentially application packet carriers  to provide "Mobile Application Logistics" services  to enterprise and transform their business from telecommunication related services to Application services. They would need not only a robust platform that keeps up with the eco system but also a platform what can integrate with enterprise (legacy or new platforms) and scalable service that is performant.

example : Connected vehicle project and other such projects will have to rely on Telco to provide networks not just smart devices but other "Things" and that data would have to be collected and send through "business system" (Like BPM etc) -- one needs to a mobile middleware to easily fit into this model like WebSphere and application server did a decade ago.

Other example:
API management is extending into the software defined networking market to connect data infrastructure operations. Mobile computing on the rise will eventually converge with services exposed in software defined (networked) marketplaces and evolve into the ecosystem that Mobile application will learn to rely upon. We absolutely need to find synergies between our own offerings before we begin to event attempt play in the emerging open API marketplace. (Think IBM Worklight (and many of MobileFirst portfolio) and IBM API management) – MA (PI) aaS – Mobile API as a Service. This is what Companies like ATT and Deutsche Telekom are doing -- creating a eco system on worklight to create adapters or  API that can be consumed ( and eventually metered/billed etc) to provide access to Mobile specific services:

 (ATT: 1)AT&T tech talk: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vdQGG_wS74&feature=youtu.be 2) The URL for past recorded tech talks including this one:


Deutsche Telecom



Why "Mobile Middleware":

I think we ought to work on "Discussion framework" - where we lay out the ecosystem , classify it and move on the 'solution' part of the discussion.  IMHO with this approach we maximize our time in understanding issues, collecting requirements and not a religious debate between frameworks and application types.

Note: Now, there are trade-offs when a client chooses all native (i.e. no code re-use, more development expense, etc) but I prefer to stay agnostic and guide and lead our clients into setting the right strategy for their "mobile" business and their individual apps

           Why Mobile Middleware or 'Mobile Platform" : I think since we are in enterprise space and will eventually have to address the enterprise integration challenges for mobile applications, I think it is vital we center this as a part of our discussion. Some Arguments I have used are as follows:

1.We want a completely agnostic approach to our clients that can do "native" , hybrid, or mobile web because the real value is in the platform, administration, up-keep, security, adapters, and integration layer we provide better than anyone else. - Integration

2.Mobile Middleware provides a layer of indirection, which allows for the back end services to be shifted without affecting the end point. - Flexibility

3.Ability to surgically enable and disable Application specific to a platform, administratively provide platform specific messages - Control.

4.Mobile Middleware also arms the enterprise to adapt and fit into to current Enterprise Security platform ( authentication, authorization and security policy enforcement etc) - Security

5.Mobile Middleware also provides an avenue to exploit existing services ( SOA Model) and since these services were design for Web Application, Mobile middleware allows for filtering and altering the content, prior to sending the response back to end use. - Flexibility, control and reuse and Optimization of existing enterprise services.

6.Mobile Specific Services - Unified push notification, SMS and devices specific notifications etc, provide an avenue to address these via platform.
and more….

Other Telco Industry related market observations:

1.    Verizon and Vodaphone – Capturing it’s own 45% market share and access to some EU markets, Verizon aims to capitalize on the network investment and boost it’s mobile services. Think of the ‘Infrastructure’ needed for expanded Mobile Services. I have always believed that TELCO will play a pivotal role in our Industry and Mobile space, and seeing boost in investment from all major Telco is not only encouraging but also indicative of an industry trend.

Additional Thoughts:
--> Maturity in M2M or M2X and ‘Connected’ vehicle is seen a trend that will change the way we live. Sprint /ATT/Verizon's of the world are gearing up to provision the bandwidth and special 4G LTE offering and GM/Chrysler/Fords are ramping up the  “Connected Vehicle’ offering. Industry see's this to be an $8b industry in 2014.
Google This:  M2m Multi-Operator alliance – include NTT Docomo, Etilsalat, Telefonica are promoting a common standard.  Real ‘Smart cars” – Fords AppLink lets driver do interesting things with Glympse app. GM announced 4G LTE technology in their cars, Volvo ‘Connected Vehicle cloud’, Toyota ‘Friend’ – trends indicating that Cars may be ultimate Mobile devices and possibilities for commerce, retail, automobile and other are immense

I am open to thoughts and Critique....

Have a great week!!


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