Thursday, July 3, 2014

Design Imperatives of Mobile Payment Solution

Design Imperatives of Mobile Payment Solution.

This paper discusses high-level design imperatives of a Mobile payment Solution. Most retailers, bankers and businesses should focus on Mobility not just for Mobile technology sake, but a platform and a vehicle for commerce and enterprise transformation. Mobile Payment is no different. In this short paper I will attempt to discuss some of the design imperatives of a Mobile Payment solution.  A Mobile payment solution may address various industries such retail (mCommerce), Banking (mBanking), Telecommunications (Mobile Money), to name a few, regardless  of the industry the underlying design ought to focus primarily on seamless, ephemeral and engaging transaction experience.  Mobile payment products may include a diverse set of use cases  which includes ( but not limited to) – Banking activity, money transfer, charity donations, coupons, loyalty currency, cross-border commerce and  fund transfer, receipt management and shopping ( and all related commerce activity). While each of these use case represents a deeper industry specific design challenges, any Mobile Payment initiative should have a singular focus on “Secure Engagement”.
   Secure Engagement implies that the technology should be mostly invisible, with a focus on consumer adoption and scale for sustained growth and usage. With focus on consumer adoption which may manifest in form  user interface design, better back end integration with system of records, optimized performance and use of contextually relevant mobile services, security should be embedded in every aspect of the design. Security design considerations are particularly important as we design a Mobile Payment Solution as Trust is single most important currency, which will enable rapid adoption and protect and establish long-standing consumer relationship.
         Security by design implies that product or solution  has been designed to be secure.  Security design is not only aware of Mobile specific threats but also factors in security controls around Malware, location and user behavior. It is also important to consider that a secure design does not impede the user engagement. While security is important, user experience  around engagement is paramount.  Including robust security and rich engaging design  in a Mobile Payment solution is a balancing act, and a challenge.
         Focusing on “Engagement” part of the “Secure Engagement” paradigm , implies that  we understand the compelling reason around usage of a Mobile Payment solution which does not equate to simply ‘Mobilizing” the current payment channels. Therefore the design should be deliberate.  There are many solution that provide “a Payment” vehicle. Let me explain, Credit/Bank cards are an obvious staple, and but either digitizing or automating that function certainly adds to convenience but falls short of delivering the promise of an integrated digital payment experience. But the same payment vehicle would include banking integration, reward point redemption, bank based financial controls such as receipt management, bill pay, money transfer, etc, as an inclusive feature allowing to integrate not just Payment function but other aspects of  ‘Life Transactions’. Such a solution would appeal to the consumer adoption and act as a strategic differentiator.
Mobile Payments is an emerging space that no enterprise engaging in any Mobile transaction, ranging from retailers to governments can ignore. Mobile payments promise an Omni channel experience incorporating the coupon, loyalty programs, and integrating that with Mobile experience. Mobile payment if not integrated into a complete experience fall short of delivering the holistic digital experience. While the promises of Mobile payments are immense there are many considerations, challenges and possibilities that an enterprise should consider. What makes Mobile Payments an interesting space is the emergence of new players on a daily basis. For instance, facebook announced it Social Payment ( P2P and MMT patterns) ambitions – if facebook succeeds it will not only lower the cost of transaction of payments and transfers, but will disrupt yet again a landscape that is in constant state of flux. The true challenge is to pick a sustainable platform or a mobile payment strategy that is cost effective, and yet addresses the diversity in this evolving landscape.
                  With “Secure Engagement” as  a singular focus, it only makes sense to draw upon the characteristic of the design imperatives, and it may make sense for us to split this concept, for sake of granularity into two distinct topics – Engagement AND Security.

1. Engaging with Mobile Payments

a.    Enhancing Customer engagement – Mobile enables an robust and unprecedented way to strengthen and establish client relationship. Mobile has certainly changed the parameters of Mobile relationship. This implies that an enterprise use Mobile Payment as a channel to extend the engagement from transaction to interaction. An enterprise Mobile design should focus on his expanded channel with self-service capabilities, which empowers the customers, strengthen the perception, reduces cost and paves the way to cross-sell and up-sell opportunities. Payment is ultimate form of endorsement, and  when consumers buy, they can  better understood and marketed to.  Hence a design that is inclusive of integrated “Life Transactions” can be a strategic tool for an enterprise that is customized to every individual  in every way – Payment, coupons, Loyalty currency, integrated values in a single engagement channel.

b.    Shift in Competitive Dynamics – Many of current day client relationships and engagements come with a pre built barrier. A system that is laden with intermediaries and distribution chain between the service provider and consumer. This lengthy value chain not only distances the customer, but also increases the costs of transactions. Integrated Mobile payment solution can not only disintermediate the value chain but also present an opportunity to gain deeper insights, design customized offers, reward loyalty and pass on the costs saving of a shortened value chain to the client. Without a well-designed engagement model, enterprise would have to reply on the value chain. A robust Mobile Payment strategy can shift the competitive dynamic by collapsing the value chain and delivering real value in real time.

c.    Considering “other” Digital Currency -  When we discuss payments natural conclusion is transfer of money, be it  consumer to business, business to business to business, or even person to Person.  A complete payment solution should include  management of ‘Other digital” currency as an options such as coupons, Loyalty rewards, Airline and hotel Points, and mostly anything with ‘Value’ to the consumer. Other digital currency may also include Crypto Currency and Bitcoins.

d.    Contextually relevant transaction – The contextually relevant transaction implies personalized, and context specific be it location, user, mood or even sentiments based transaction.  The information ( logic and decision) consumed by mobile payments, promises to deliver new levels satisfaction and loyalty. The insights obtained by such engagements are the very insights that help drive this rich system of engagement. This type of service and experience delivered by a mobile payment system can lends itself to ability of an enterprise to “Mass Customize” Mobile payment products.

e.    An Ideal Digital wallet?  - The notion of digital wallet is very confusing. The market of digital wallets is fragmented and changing rapidly. The innovations to the likes of Google wallet, Square, and PayPal to name a few have truly disrupted the traditional payment schemes such as cash or bankcards.  This led to a  digital wallet frenzy where every bank, including payment processors such as a Visa and MasterCard has launched their own version of Digital or Mobile Wallet. So which is an Ideal Mobile/Digital wallet? The Answer happens to be in our own wallet. An ideal wallet should be

a.    Customizable – Like our own wallets
b.    Does more than Pay ( such as a Person to person, like cash,  and have the ability to store other credit or cash instruments)
c.    Work Anywhere (open frameworks technology implied),
d.    Inclusive of rewards management – either links the apps, or drive the reward management from the back end systems
e.    Simple, Secure and Easy to use – Simple and easy to encourage adoption, Secure to institute trust.

2. Security in Mobile Payments:

a.    On-Device Security – This area encompasses all security aspects of the Devices, which includes device, application and data protection. There are several technologies that can be employed to accomplish this, including the tools  and API provided by the Mobile OS. It is imperative that the Application and solution design  ensure that the application, related data and the connection to enterprise – be it  a merchant, issues or acquirer bank etc is secure. Other techniques include application containerization, application of guard technology and so on.

b.    Securing Interaction – Securing interaction implies secured mobile acceptance that leads to higher confidence and trust.  Securing interaction may spans multiple participants including mPOS or Point of interaction, and any other third part  in the “Interaction value chain”. PCI Council has listed Point-to-Point Encryption (P2PE) solution guidance  to ensure acceptance of secure Mobile payments. Secured interaction at surface may leverage device display and communication to secure mobile payments, but it is about addressing and maintaining data security throughout the payment lifecycle.

c.    Transaction Security – Transaction security does not only include the mechanism of a traditional secure transaction, but also new emerging technology such as NFC, BLE, iBeacon, HCE ( Host card emulation) and  Tokenization as a cloud based Secure element to secure the transaction. The idea of this design imperative to include tokenization for payments is to reduce the scope of PCI-DSS compliance by either not storing credit card information at all or limiting where and how it is stored. The PCI Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS) requires merchants to protect payment card information in any form – printed, processed, transmitted or even if it is stored. Transaction security  consideration is primarily to reduce risk and in turn transaction cost. A design that employs multi prong approach to mitigate fraud risk may increase the cost of solution but reduces the long-term transaction costs.

d.    Data SecuritySecuring data is one of the most fundamental solution design requirement. There are many set of masking algorithms  that can be employed for static data masking, i.e., allowing customers to mask data when they move across various systems in payment network. Transaction security and Data Security combined are building blocks of  securing the Mobile Payment engagement. This foundation would typically include  the following components:

1. The tokenization/encryption algorithms – this is to create  and encrypt tokens
2. A  Vault – a Vault where not only the token but also the data mapping between token and sensitive data is kept. This component should be PCI-DSS compliant.
3.  API/SDK – This can be exposed as a service and allows the solution that enables integration with payment transaction processing
4. Auditing and Reporting – For compliance and management.

e.    Trust as a Currency – Mobile Payment in this discussion has been about money transfer, mCommerce, mBanking and basically transacting with things that are of value. Trust is one currency that is of tremendous value to any enterprise – Retail, Banks, payment processors and anyone involved in “secured engagement”. Trust can be viewed as a virtual currency that is earned one interaction at a time. Trust as  a design paradigm is central to a mobile payment solution design as it is focused on safeguarding things of value that leads to rapid consumer adoption.

Mobile Payments is an important avenue to consider for any enterprise, as its application and impact goes way beyond “a Payment” system. Mobile = Engagement and Payment = Security, so I have described the design principles of any Mobile Payment solution to be “Secure Engagement”, in absence of Engagement it is nothing but a existing payment vehicle with mobile front end and in absence of security it not really a meaningful payment system.
         Secure engagement implies that the technology should be mostly invisible, with a focus on consumer adoption and scale for sustained growth and usage. With focus on consumer adoption which may manifest in form  user interface design, better back end integration with system of record , optimized performance and use of contextually relevant mobile services, security should be embedded in every aspect of the design. Security design considerations are particularly important as we design a Mobile Payment Solution as Trust is single most important currency, which will enable rapid adoption and protect and establish long-standing consumer relationship.


4.    McKinsey Report: The Next Phase of  Consumer Mobile Payments

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