Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Appeal of Host Card Emulation (HCE) extends beyond NFC...to any Proximity Payments!!

Business Problem:

NFC is a short-range wireless technology that allows communication between two devices over short distances of up to ten centimeters. Based on this technology, devices like mobile phones are able to communicate. This technology combined with enhanced security mechanism form the foundation of proximity based mobile payments.
Mobile Wallets enables payments through Smartphone and already 25% of phones equipped with NFC capability can take advantage of this technology. However there are additional players in enabling a seamless payment in addition to the regular payment processing chain players. Additional validation for ensuring secure payments include Banks, Trusted Secure Manager (TSM) providers, Mobile Network Operator (MNO) TSM service. All these  players ensure the user, the device, subscription plan is valid. MNO TSM service creates a security domain in the secure NFC chip and establishes keys, the payment service providers to include payment information in the security domain installed by the MNO then use these Keys. The security if ensured by storage, management and validation of the subscription, key and payment information storage in the tamper proof NFC chip. The physical presence of a secure element in the device, and inherent dependency between the TSM providers and Telco TSM services introduces complexities that make it difficult and expensive for actors in an NFC ecosystem to interact efficiently.

NFC and HCE:

To overcome the challenges around managing dependency between the TSM providers and Telco TSM services HCE as a software construct was introduces to emulate NFC behavior but augmenting the  TSM enabled security validations  by a cloud services called Cloud based Secure Element (Cloud SE). HCE is a feature of the mobile operating system that allows for the secure element to be present outside the mobile device. By moving the secure element to a cloud or managed environment, the complexities and associated costs can be minimized. Mobile payment applications can utilize a secure element without any third-party involvement like Telco TSMs. Because HCE is a  software construct it does introduce software centric considerations around digital threats, vulnerabilities and compromises. So all threats to a Mobile application such as Malware, Phishing, rooting of devices,  and perils of stolen devices can be applied to the HCE threat matrix. So there is an inherent trade off from ecosystem complexity to complexity involved in securing the application. Visa and Mastercard  have endorsed HCE, with Visa updating it’s PayWave specification and Mastercard it’s PayPass specification. With Payment tokenization as a EMVCo specification, which  favors HCE and other proximity technologies as the risk model shifts from physical cards to token assurance.

HCE Technology:

Host Card Emulation, or HCE, removes the need for a secure element by allowing providers to literally emulate an NFC smart card. HCE relies on three operational modes of NFC chip and antenna on the device.

a.     Reader/write mode – to read/write data from/to a Tag or NFC sticker
b.     Peer-to peer mode – which is essentially communication between two NFC enabled peers.
c.      Card Emulating mode - This the mode used by HCE, to emulate smart card and to function with some secure element, either on the device or in the cloud.

First two modes are routed the Mobile Operating system (Mobile OS) to be processed by the Host and applications can benefit from the input.  The third mode Card Emulating mode is routed to Secure element. Android Kitkat changes this to mimic the behavior of other two modes, which while simplifies the application design, but it does introduce security considerations.

Understanding that with HCE:

a.  NFC based Hardware Secure Element solution is more secure than HCE
b. Complexity for issuers and consumers is vastly reduced and risk mitigation techniques
c. There are ways to limit security exposures such one-time/low TTL tokens to porting high value transactions through the SE for further validation/authentication -- but this will add to solution design, and time --- of payment execution which is a huge concern in Mobile payment industry -- essentially a round trip cost and processing in the cloud.
d. What HCE does is reduce the cost and complexity in payment solution, and does HFC based SE that does provide added security worth the cost? Right now adoption is low so there is little or no metric on fraud...
e. Android KitKat supported HCE --- not aware of any other adoption outside of Android KitKat

HCE Technical concerns:

1. Security --- device can be Jail broken/rooted, concerns around Malware etc.
2. Security/Time  -- RTT cost SP in cloud and  implementation of  One time password (OTP)/low threshold TTLs etc.
3. Security -- embedded in solution design that has a cloud solution or commonly known as Tokenization. Tokenization is often used as a mechanism to overcome timing issues of Cloud-based SE solutions. This means that the tokens need to be stored in the application, where they are still at risk -- same old concern around.

 HCE Technical Merits

1. An abstraction layer created a much richer eco system of solution development as a very low cost
2.  Less players and less complexity -- no need for Telco and SE service providers
3. Growing number of devices with NFC but the OS ( Android supports it.. we need to see if Fire/Tizen and other emerging players do the same, Jury is out in iOS support and expected in 6, but the NFC controller -- which is NOT a standard yet, needs to be there)
4. Adding a secure execution container may mitigate risks,

Technology Components:

NFC controller -- this is a  sort of routing service that app needs to register, which allows the user to control the payment routing. --- If this is compromised then, all HCE based apps are compromised -- BTW today this method is ONLY available in Kit-Kat --- which may add to fragmentation if not adopted by others.

SE - secure element - hardware such as a Micros SD card, SIM card or any other custom embedded/specific card, -- this specificity bring the complexity ( as a service provider must interact with some entity to provide secure service) and adds to fragmentation.

Smart Card reader --- this is a  external device owned by Merchant, companies like FirstData who acquired Clover and Square are going after tighter integration with Devices.

NFC antenna -- most NFC functions such as a Peer-to-peer /read-write mode etc, are handled by Host or Mobile OS.

Mobile Application – Payment/Wallet – Mobile application  that employs secure digital/wallet technologies either embedded as an application function or included as a dedicated application.



   HCE might accelerate the introduction of NFC services, because it provides an alternative for NFC based solution albeit, more-simple-but-less-secure way to provide host card emulation service. In this way, it has great added value for merchants, service providers and e-commerce/m-commerce operators,  that can accept a trade of reduced level of security in exchange for an improvement of other factors such as time to market, development costs and the need to cooperate with other parties. 


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